Monday, March 1, 2010


Aceh Tsunami Museum is a museum to remember the tsunami back pristiwa overwrite Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam on 26 December 2008 the victim ingest approximately 240,000 people.

Aceh Tsunami Museum building was built on the initiative of several organizations that trap committee. Including Rehabilitation and Reconstruction Agency (BRR) NAD-Nias as the building budget, the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (DESDM) as the budget planning, study the content of the museum collection and provision of guidelines and management of the museum), the Government of Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam (NAD) as the provider and manager of the museum, the Municipality of Banda Aceh as a provider of facilities and infrastructure of the museum environment and Architects Association of Indonesia (IAI) NAD branch that help organize pre contest plan museums.

According to Eddy Purwanto as planner Museum of BRR Aceh Tsunami Aceh, the Museum was built with 3 reasons:
1. for remembering the victims of Tsunami disaster
2. As a center of education for young people about safety
3. As evacuation center, if the tsunami comes again.

Museum planning detail, the tsunami monument and the site will start in August 2006 and development will be built over the land, approximately 10,000 square located in the capital city of Aceh province Nanggroes namely Kotamadaya Banda Aceh with the budget funds of US $ 14.000.000 ( kurs $ 1=Rp 10.000 ) with the details of US $ 7.000.000 from the Rehabilitation and Reconstruction Agency (BRR) for the building and half from the Department of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) for its content also contains many objects remaining residual tsunami.

Before the committee began holding competitions design museum with Thema "Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam Tsunami Museum (NAD-TM)," race closed on 5 August 2007 Total prize ber US $ 27.500, with details of the winner I get US $ 10.000 to US $ 7.500 II , III to US $ 5.000 and the remaining US $ 5.000 will be distributed as awards to the participation of innovative design 5 @ US $ 1.000.(acehdalamsejarah/AS)

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